Research Hub

“The importance of meaningful youth engagement cannot be overstated” 1. This quote best summarizes the literature related to youth engagement. The survival of rural regions depends on investing in innovative and inclusive ways of engaging people, particularly youth. Engagement is critical for...Read more

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“The importance of meaningful youth engagement cannot be overstated” 1. This quote best summarizes the literature related to youth engagement. The survival of rural regions depends on investing in innovative and inclusive ways of engaging people, particularly youth. Engagement is critical for...Read more

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“The importance of meaningful youth engagement cannot be overstated” 1. This quote best summarizes the literature related to youth engagement. The survival of rural regions depends on investing in innovative and inclusive ways of engaging people, particularly youth. Engagement is critical for...Read more

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Youth are increasingly at a disadvantage in today’s labour market due to an increased emphasis on experience. In rural areas there can be even fewer opportunities for youth and those opportunities that are available can be undesirable (e.g., fewer opportunities, short term contracts, no benefits...Read more

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The literature reviewed suggest a variety of approaches to youth retention. Overall, youth retention strategies often focus on education, training, career opportunities, as well as youth engagement demonstrating that retention is a combination of efforts. In order to successfully retain youth...Read more

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“The importance of meaningful youth engagement cannot be overstated” 1. This quote best summarizes the literature related to youth engagement. The survival of rural regions depends on investing in innovative and inclusive ways of engaging people, particularly youth. Engagement is critical for...Read more

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“The importance of meaningful youth engagement cannot be overstated” 1. This quote best summarizes the literature related to youth engagement. The survival of rural regions depends on investing in innovative and inclusive ways of engaging people, particularly youth. Engagement is critical for...Read more

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This inventory was produced as part of the Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute’s Regional Food Systems project. The Columbia Basin-Boundary region benefits from a number of organizations that have done extensive work with the goal of improving the viability of our regional food system....Read more

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The Tourism Sector Business Retention and Expansion1 (BRE) Report presents the findings from surveys within the tourism sector conducted across the Columbia Basin between 2012 and 2016. This report was initiated and prepared by the Rural Development Institute with Kootenay Rockies Tourism...Read more

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In the Columbia Basin-Boundary region the challenges farmers face and the unmet demand for locally produced food suggests that there is room for improvement in the region’s food system. Agriculture in the Columbia Basin-Boundary region (the Basin-Boundary) is typically small scale and the...Read more

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