2011 Municipal Water Use Report

This report summarizes information collected through the 2009 Municipal Water and Wastewater Survey (MWWS), including population served water distribution and sewers, water use per person, use of water meters, water sources, water use by sector, and wastewater treatment levels. It provides an update of water use statistics from the 2006, 2004 and 2001 MWWS. Some comparisons with data from previous survey years are included. The MWWS, and its predecessor the Municipal Water Use and Pricing survey (MUD/MUP), have been conducted once every two or three years by Environment Canada since 1983. The MWWS collects extensive national information about municipal water and wastewater services in Canada. The resulting geocoded data can be analyzed in several ways, including by province and territory, economic sector, and size of municipal population. A companion report on water pricing and conservation measures is due in late 2011.

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