B.C. Smart Communities Pilot: Smart Kootenays

The proposed BC Smart Cities project represents the road safety and efficiency components of our Smart Kootenays collaborative work plan developed by the Cities of Nelson, Castlegar, Trail and Rossland during the Government of Canada's Smart Communities Challenge.

Our Challenge Statement:

Our rural region will work together to measurably improve travel decision-making, road safety, and digital access by decreasing accidents, reducing transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions, and building the capacity of all residents to adopt digital technologies.

More specifically, this project will involve the development and beta testing of the Smart Kootenays Digital Mobility (SKDM) platform and will include digital inclusion and open data capacity building efforts focused on technology adoption and the identification, standardization and integration of transportation data, including, but not limited to, road safety (e.g. data generated by sensors on snow plows), and efficiency (e.g. road closures and wait times associated with construction and natural disasters - avalanches, floods, wildfire), both within and between our West Kootenay communities.

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