This poster, created by Meghan Wrathall and Rachel Herron, was featured at the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation Conference (September 2017) in Nelson, BC.
Health and social services are severely lacking, underfunded, and understaffed in rural areas (Williams et al. 2012).This is especially true for services with a mandate focusing on supporting people experiencing Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) (Peek-Asa et al. 2011). Support services for IPV are particularly important in rural areas because rural areas are associated with associated with higher and more chronic, and severe rates of IPV, more negative outcomes for victims, less help and bystander interventions, and poorer community responses (Edwards, 2015). However, most services are found in more populated areas such as urban and regional service centres. This project examines the challenges faced by service providers supporting those experiencing IPV in their regional service centre and surrounding rural communities.