Nature of Co-management in Community Renewable Energy: A Policy Comparison Between Canada and EU Countries

This poster, created by Mohammad Nazrul Islam, was featured at the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation Conference (September 2017) in Nelson, BC.

Co-management is a governance system which consists of the sharing of responsibilities, entitlements, decentralized institutional rules and agreements between the state and local community for maintaining certain resources. Community led renewable energy (CRE) is a kind of collaborative energy management where state, regional and other nongovernmental organizations have been involved. However, very few of studies focus on the co-management aspects of CRE. This study explores the patterns of co-management including policy regulations, ownership structure, stakeholder’s participations and decision-making process of CRE both in Canada and EU by the summative content analysis method. This study found that different EU countries have applied miscellaneous effective policy tools like Feed-in-Tariff (FIT), Feed-inPremium (FIP), Community and Renewable Energy Schemes. Consequently, different energy cooperative and community based ownerships models have been developed and local residents could be engaged in highest level of participation ladder. Most of the Canadian renewable energy policies are more technocratic and accelerating “energy developer” oriented commercial ownership than in the EU. Therefore, public participation in these renewable energy projects is like "Decide-Announce-Defend”. Strong decentralized governance, awareness raising and policy reformation should be increased for prolific renewable energy co-management.

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