Succession Planning in Haldimand County: A Review of Succession Plans & Available Resources

This poster was featured at the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation Conference (September 2017) in Nelson, BC.

The purpose of this research is to explore whether farmers in Haldimand County are developing succession plans and what resources are available to assist them. More specifically, this research is focused on answering the following three questions: (1) Are farmers in Haldimand County currently planning for succession and if so, to what degree? (2) What are the key challenges that farmers experience during the succession planning process? and (3) What resources are available to help farmers with the succession planning process? To answer these questions seven semi-structured key informant interviews were conducted along with a survey that was completed by 33 farmers. Key informants included farmers and individuals associated with farm organizations in Haldimand County as well as professionals who work with succession planning as part of their careers.