Research Hub

Thirty-five residents (35) citizens representing the Kimberley community took part in the Business Vitality Index Assessment Session on June 8, 2005. Through a survey and focus group session, Phase 1 of the BVI helps communities assess their capacity to work with and support entrepreneurs.Read more

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Slide show presentation by Jonathan Buttle and Gordon Borgstrom detailing survey results regarding rural development priorities, and series of rankings surrounding community characteristics, indicators, employment, economy and BRE regional findings.Read more

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The purpose of the Employment Lands research project was to better understand the landscape of wealth generating lands in the Columbia Basin-­Boundary region of BC.  An integrated economic development-­geospatial lands analysis was undertaken to better understand opportunities and constraints...Read more

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A RDCK survey (2009) and a public meeting with Kaslo and Area D residents (Feb 2010) examined public opinions of priority areas important to the region's sustainability.  Energy and climate change and water use came out as priority issues.Read more

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In order to ensure Invest Kootenay activities remain informed by the changing investment climate of the region, investors from partner communities are interviewed annually. The purpose of these investor interviews is to better understand the investment climate and investor support needs in...Read more

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The purpose of the Employment Lands research project was to better understand the landscape of wealth generating lands in the Columbia Basin-­Boundary region of BC.  An integrated economic development-­geospatial lands analysis was undertaken to better understand opportunities and constraints...Read more

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This inventory was produced as part of the Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute’s Regional Food Systems project. The Columbia Basin-Boundary region benefits from a number of organizations that have done extensive work with the goal of improving the viability of our regional food system....Read more

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Internal 1 page document for conducting BRE program related interviews.Read more

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This Knowledge Brief summarizes research conducted as part of the Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute’s Regional Food Systems project. For other research products associated with this project, visit more

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1 page document summarizing 3 methods of RDI's Innovation & Knowledge Transfer efforts including: Mapping Social Innovation & Networks, Building Capacity Through Research Partnerships, and RDI Website & Research Hub.Read more

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