Research Hub

Common themes in the three agricultural plans of the Columbia-Basin Boundary RegionRead more

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This indicator tracks occurrences of extreme weather events at four Basin Boundary weather stations over the past century. Two indices are analysed: the annual number of warm days and the annual amount of rain falling on very wet days. “Warm Days” are defined as days when the maximum temperature...Read more

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The goal of this backgrounder is to provide an initial review of the literature with respect to food security as it relates to climate change in the Rossland, Castlegar and Kaslo regions. It is intended to outline what we currently know with regard to food security, identify questions that...Read more

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Proposal Purpose: Pilot, evaluate, refine, and support uptake of the State of Climate Adaptation and Resilience in the Basin (SoCARB) indicator suite. SoCARB was developed in 2014 as a result of a research partnership between Columbia Basin Trust’s Communities Adapting to Climate Change...Read more

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This literature review was prepared as part of a larger project entitled Using Columbia Basin State of the Basin Indicators to Measure Climate Adaptation, undertaken by Columbia Basin Trust's Communities Adapting to Climate Change Initiative in cooperation with the Columbia Basin Rural...Read more

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How 'State of the Basin' Indicators can be used to Measure Climate Changes, Impacts and Progress Towards AdaptationRead more

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Central Kootenay Invasive Plant Committee Strategic Plan - Purposes, Vision Statement, Values, Goals and StrategiesRead more

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Powerpoint from workshop covering societal needs of the Columbia Basin including affordable housing, social connectedness, outreach support and navigation, transportation, and end of life care.Read more

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"This report describes this regional scenario planning process and presents the deliberations and results of the work of the participants at the 2010 Columbia Basin Symposium."Read more

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This strategic plan articulates CBT's economic madate for the years 2010-2012.  CBT's strategic plan aims to prioritize resources, inform CBT's responses to opportunities that arise, and guide activities.Read more

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